Tariff list and product catalog

Tariff list

Tariff of fees for private individuals

Overview of services for legal entities and entrepreneurs

Overview of services and fees for natural persons

Time of payment order execution

For dinar payments

Yettel Bank made it possible for you to electronically make payments from your dinar current account, by using the internet banking and mobile Bank application. Each payment order you issue till 17:00h on working days, will be effected irrespective of the amount of payment. If you issued your order after 17:00h, it will be effected the next working day, from 9:00h to 11:00h.

You can chose whether you want your payment order to be effected summarily or in regular clearing cycle. Payment orders below 300,000 dinars to accounts in other banks, if not marked as urgent and issued by 14h, will be effected during the day in one of three clearing cycles (10:30h, 12:30h and 14:30h), depending on time of the issue.

Payment to accounts in other banks over 300,000 dinars (inclusive), as well as all other payments marked as urgent will be effected immediately (within a couple of minutes).

Order sent to the bank over Internet banking or bank mobile application on Saturdays, Sundays or holidays, will be effected the first following work day in the above specified times.

For foreign currency payments

Payments from the foreign exchange accounts can be done electronically using Internet banking or mobile application. Properly completed payment orders, with accompanying documentation, which the Bank receives by 14h on a work day, will be effected that next day at the latest. Orders received after 14h are considered received on the next day.

Term plans for receiving and executing payment transactions