Frequently asked questions

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How long does it take to make a dinar payment and can it be immediately executed?

Any RSD transaction in the amount of up to 300,000 dinars you initiate through the bank’s internet application at will be executed immediately, regardless of the time and date of payment, if you select the Instant payment option in the application of the bank. The recipient will receive payment immediately if the bank you pay supports this service. In case you do not select the Instant payment option or the transaction is initiated to a bank that does not support instant payments, the transaction will be executed at 10:30, 12:30, 14:30 or 17:00, and if initiated after 17h working days, it will be realized on the first next working day.

Can I see a bank fee for the execution of the transaction when paying via internet and mobile applications?

The amount of the commission will be displayed before confirming the execution of the transaction.

If I do not have enough funds on the account in the transaction currency, will the transaction be executed from other currencies?

If the transaction is in RSD, the RSD currency will first be charged, and if you do not have enough funds in dinars, the payment will be made from other currencies in the following order: EUR, USD.

Which model of payment and reference number should I enter when paying a person to account?

When paying a person to the account, it is not necessary to enter reference number and model of payment.

When paying taxes and fees, the application displays a message that the UJP account information is incorrect. How can I make this payment?

This message is displayed if you have not selected the correct payment code, mainly for paying taxes, fines, fees, and budget payments. For these types of payments, you need to select the code 253 or 254.

What is "Pay to mobile" service?

“Pay to mobile” is a service which enables you to transfer dinars to another individual who is a client of the bank, without knowing their account number. It is sufficient to know the mobile phone number of the recipient. More details about this service are available here.

What is the maximum amount I can send with Pay to Mobile?

You can send a maximum of 5,000 RSD per transaction, while the monthly limit is 60,000 RSD.

How can I take money sent through Pay to Mobile?

Funds will automatically be transferred.  

Why do I need a SWIFT for a dinar payment as a non-resident?

Due to the law, non-residents are not allowed to participate in RSD payment transactions, SWIFT is needed for the realization of RSD payments.

Can I, as a non-resident, make dinar payments to other non-residents and legal entities in Serbia?

Payment to both non-residents and legal entities in Serbia is possible by choosing option Payments, Foreign currency payment, selecting the payment in Serbia. The commission will be displayed on the payment screen in dinars.

What is service "Bills on click" and can I pay all my bills through the service "Bills on click" ?

“Bills on click” is a service that allows you to quickly and easily pay your monthly bills for various public and utility services (Infostan, electricity, postpaid mobile phone bill, internet ..). To use “Bills on click” service, you need to submit a request for use of the service for each service provider from the list through the bank’s internet banking or mobile application. More details are available here. The list of account issuers will be shown to you when submiting a request for this service, on the Payments, Payments to Company, Bills on click, New subscription.

Is it possible to pay part of the amount of the received bill per click, given that I have already paid some part of it?

It’s not possible to make a partial payment of your account per click.

How can I cancel the "Bills on click" service?

You can cancel Bills on click in the Internet and mobile app in option Payments, Payments to Company, Bills on click. Choose an bill on click you want to cancel and in the displayed details, select the Cancel subscription option.

How can I download a payment confirmation?

You can download your payment confirmation by selecting the Email Confirmation option in the details of the transaction shown in the List of transactions.

What day of the month is it necessary to provide money to pay my standing order with a variable amount?

The date of publishing bill, as well as the due date, are pre-determined for each recipient and they are displayed when creating a permanent order.

When will the bank start executing a standing order with fixed amount?

The payment will start from the date you selected for the date of the first payment when creating the order, by the selected period, to the approved expiration date.

When will the bank start executing a standing order with a variable amount?

The execution date of the standing order will be shown to you when creating a new standing order with a variable amount. The execution date is also shown in the details of the standing orders which you can access by selecting the desired standing order in the option Payments, Payments to Company,Standing Order.

For which companies can I create a standing order with variable amount?

The list of account issuers will be shown to you when submiting a request for this service, on the Payments, Payments to Company,Standing Order with a variable amount of the obligation in dinars and paying in dinars.

Can I skip first next execution of a standing order with fixed or variable amount?

Yes, by selecting option Skip next payment in the details of the standing order, you can skip the next payment of a standing order with a fixed amount, except on the day of payment. This option is not available for standing orders with a variable amount

In case there is not enough money on the account, will the bank make the payment of standing order day after?

In case you do not have enough funds on the account on the day of the execution of the standing order, a standing order will not be executed.

If I do not have enough funds in the currency in which a standing order should be executed, will the missing amount be covered by a conversion of the other available currency?

Automatic currency conversion will not be executed. It is necessary to provide funds in the currency of the execution of a standing order before the day of execution of the standing order.

Will the bank notify me about execution of my standing orders?

Yes, if you choose the option to receive notifications about maturity and / or execution of a standing order when creating a standing order.

Can I cancel a standing order?

You can cancel a standing order by selecting Cancel a standing order in the details of the standing order.

Can I create a standing order for transferring a certain dinar amount from my current account to a savings account on the given day of the month?

You can create a standing order for transferring money to a savings account at any time by selecting Payments, Standing order, Create a new standing order. You have the option to choose an internal transfer between your accounts, in the same or different currencies, the amount you want and the periodicity of payments.

Can I create a standing order in foreign currency, which will be executed in dinars?

Yes, you can. The amount of RSD payments will be calculated at the average exchange rate of the bank on the due date.