Any RSD transaction in the amount of up to 300,000 dinars you initiate through the bank’s internet application at will be executed immediately, regardless of the time and date of payment, if you select the Instant payment option in the application of the bank. The recipient will receive payment immediately if the bank you pay supports this service. In case you do not select the Instant payment option or the transaction is initiated to a bank that does not support instant payments, the transaction will be executed at 10:30, 12:30, 14:30 or 17:00, and if initiated after 17h working days, it will be realized on the first next working day.
Frequently asked questions
Maybe someone has already asked a question that you are also interested in, so search through frequently asked questions and find answers simply and quickly.
How long does it take to make a dinar payment and can it be immediately executed?
Can I see a bank fee for the execution of the transaction when paying via internet and mobile applications?
The amount of the commission will be displayed before confirming the execution of the transaction.
If I do not have enough funds on the account in the transaction currency, will the transaction be executed from other currencies?
If the transaction is in RSD, the RSD currency will first be charged, and if you do not have enough funds in dinars, the payment will be made from other currencies in the following order: EUR, USD.
Which model of payment and reference number should I enter when paying a person to account?
When paying a person to the account, it is not necessary to enter reference number and model of payment.
When paying taxes and fees, the application displays a message that the UJP account information is incorrect. How can I make this payment?
This message is displayed if you have not selected the correct payment code, mainly for paying taxes, fines, fees, and budget payments. For these types of payments, you need to select the code 253 or 254.
What is "Pay to mobile" service?
“Pay to mobile” is a service which enables you to transfer dinars to another individual who is a client of the bank, without knowing their account number. It is sufficient to know the mobile phone number of the recipient. More details about this service are available here.
What is the maximum amount I can send with Pay to Mobile?
You can send a maximum of 5,000 RSD per transaction, while the monthly limit is 60,000 RSD.
How can I take money sent through Pay to Mobile?
Funds will automatically be transferred.
Why do I need a SWIFT for a dinar payment as a non-resident?
Due to the law, non-residents are not allowed to participate in RSD payment transactions, SWIFT is needed for the realization of RSD payments.
Can I, as a non-resident, make dinar payments to other non-residents and legal entities in Serbia?
Payment to both non-residents and legal entities in Serbia is possible by choosing option Payments, Foreign currency payment, selecting the payment in Serbia. The commission will be displayed on the payment screen in dinars.
What is service "Bills on click" and can I pay all my bills through the service "Bills on click" ?
“Bills on click” is a service that allows you to quickly and easily pay your monthly bills for various public and utility services (Infostan, electricity, postpaid mobile phone bill, internet ..). To use “Bills on click” service, you need to submit a request for use of the service for each service provider from the list through the bank’s internet banking or mobile application. More details are available here. The list of account issuers will be shown to you when submiting a request for this service, on the Payments, Payments to Company, Bills on click, New subscription.
Is it possible to pay part of the amount of the received bill per click, given that I have already paid some part of it?
It’s not possible to make a partial payment of your account per click.
How can I cancel the "Bills on click" service?
You can cancel Bills on click in the Internet and mobile app in option Payments, Payments to Company, Bills on click. Choose an bill on click you want to cancel and in the displayed details, select the Cancel subscription option.
How can I download a payment confirmation?
You can download your payment confirmation by selecting the Email Confirmation option in the details of the transaction shown in the List of transactions.
What day of the month is it necessary to provide money to pay my standing order with a variable amount?
The date of publishing bill, as well as the due date, are pre-determined for each recipient and they are displayed when creating a permanent order.
When will the bank start executing a standing order with fixed amount?
The payment will start from the date you selected for the date of the first payment when creating the order, by the selected period, to the approved expiration date.
When will the bank start executing a standing order with a variable amount?
The execution date of the standing order will be shown to you when creating a new standing order with a variable amount. The execution date is also shown in the details of the standing orders which you can access by selecting the desired standing order in the option Payments, Payments to Company,Standing Order.
For which companies can I create a standing order with variable amount?
The list of account issuers will be shown to you when submiting a request for this service, on the Payments, Payments to Company,Standing Order with a variable amount of the obligation in dinars and paying in dinars.
Can I skip first next execution of a standing order with fixed or variable amount?
Yes, by selecting option Skip next payment in the details of the standing order, you can skip the next payment of a standing order with a fixed amount, except on the day of payment. This option is not available for standing orders with a variable amount
In case there is not enough money on the account, will the bank make the payment of standing order day after?
In case you do not have enough funds on the account on the day of the execution of the standing order, a standing order will not be executed.
If I do not have enough funds in the currency in which a standing order should be executed, will the missing amount be covered by a conversion of the other available currency?
Automatic currency conversion will not be executed. It is necessary to provide funds in the currency of the execution of a standing order before the day of execution of the standing order.
Will the bank notify me about execution of my standing orders?
Yes, if you choose the option to receive notifications about maturity and / or execution of a standing order when creating a standing order.
Can I cancel a standing order?
You can cancel a standing order by selecting Cancel a standing order in the details of the standing order.
Can I create a standing order for transferring a certain dinar amount from my current account to a savings account on the given day of the month?
You can create a standing order for transferring money to a savings account at any time by selecting Payments, Standing order, Create a new standing order. You have the option to choose an internal transfer between your accounts, in the same or different currencies, the amount you want and the periodicity of payments.
Can I create a standing order in foreign currency, which will be executed in dinars?
Yes, you can. The amount of RSD payments will be calculated at the average exchange rate of the bank on the due date.
How long does it take to make a dinar payment and can it be immediately executed?
Any RSD transaction in the amount of up to 300,000 dinars you initiate through the bank’s internet application will be executed immediately, regardless of the time and date of payment, if you select the Instant payment option in the application of the bank. The recipient will receive payment immediately if the bank you pay supports this service.
In case you do not select the Instant payment option or the transaction is initiated to a bank that does not support instant payments, the transaction will be executed at 10:30, 12:30, 14:30 or 17:00, and if initiated after 17h working days, it will be realized on the first next working day.
How can I know if the bank I pay supports instant payment service?
Instant payments now work with all banks in Serbia. IPS is a state-of-the-art payment system, which works continuously – 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year and enables the transfer of money in a very short period of time of only a few seconds.
Is there a fee for instant payment and how much is it?
The fee is charged according to the package you use in the bank, for Basic package it is 50 RSD, for Starter package 20 RSD, while there is no fee for Progressive package users.
If I want to make a payment to a legal entity in foreign currency, do I need a document?
In case of foreign currency payment to a legal entity, you should attach an appropriate invoice, contract or e-mail correspondence, depends on the payment mode.
Can I send money to my relatives abroad?
You can, for amounts up to 10,000 EUR, you should attach a description of the free-form transaction, while for amounts greater than 10,000 EUR, proof of kinship to third knee should be attached and that the relative lives abroad.
Can I pay insurance to a foreign insurance company?
Payment is only possible for domestic insurance companies. The exception is insurance that is not offered by domestic insurance companies. If you need more information, call our Customer Service at 063 9005.
As a non-resident, can I receive my salary in a foreign currency?
It is possible if you are employed by a foreign company. Non-residents employed in domestic companies can not receive payments in foreign currency, it could be only in dinars.
Can I transfer money to my account abroad as resident?
It is possible to transfer money to your account abroad. If you are a citizen of some other country and you have a foreign passport, you only need to attach a passport when transferring money. If you are a citizen of the Republic of Serbia only, you need to attach a work visa, residence permit, student visa or other document that allows you to stay abroad for up to 12 months. If your stay is longer than 12 months, you lose the status of a resident in the Republic of Serbia.
Can I transfer funds as a non-resident to my foreign account in the country where I am a resident?
You can transfer money if you submit a verification about settling all obligations from the tax authorities. If you transfer funds from a savings account, this confirmation is not required.
Do I need documentation if I want to receive a salary in foreign currency?
If you are a non-resident documentation is not required . If you have a resident status, you need to submit a contract, an invoice or a Statement of performance. You can download the statement form here.
As a resident, can I make payments in foreign currencies to other residents and non-residents in Serbia?
It is allowed only in cases defined by law, lease and purchase and sale of real estate, insurance premiums, donations to charity, transfer to a family member. For foreign trade affairs with non-residents, an invoice or contract is required.
As a resident in Serbia, can I receive my income in foreign currency?
You can receive a salary in foreign currency from a foreign company, or if you work in diplomatic, consular and other representations of the Republic of Serbia abroad, under the Employment Contract, or if you are sent abroad for work under a Contract for the execution of investment works abroad.
As a non-resident, can I make payments in foreign currency to residents in Serbia?
It is allowed only in cases defined by law, lease and purchase and sale of real estate, insurance premiums, donations to charity, transfer to a family member. For foreign trade affairs with non-residents, an invoice or contract is required.
As a non- resident, can I make payments in foreign currency to other non-residents in Serbia?
Payment in foreign currency in the country to another non-resident is only possible on the basis of foreign trade activity.
Can I make foreign currency payments based on trade in shares abroad?
Yes, with necessary documentation – a contract with a brokerage firm.
How can exchange money and at what exchange rate?
You can make currency exchanges through the application by selecting the Currency Exchange option. The exchange rate will be displayed after entering the amount of the foreign currency you want to exchange. More details about this service can be found here.
Is it possible to exchange foreign exchange directly through the exchange office?
It is first necessary to exchange one foreign currency into dinars, then out of the dinar in the second preferred currency. Direct exchange of foreign currencies is not possible.
Who can open a current account and is it obligatory to transfer salary in order to open a current account?
Any individual aged 16 or older who is a resident of Serbia, and any individual aged 18 or older who is a non-resident can open a cuurent account. Current account can be opened without transferring salary.
What documents do I need in order to open a current account?
The following documentation is required for opening a current account:
- For citizens of the Republic of Serbia with a resident status, a valid identity card or passport is required with the MUP’s confirmation that the process of creating an ID card is in progress,
- For citizens of the Republic of Serbia with a non-resident status, a valid identity card or passport is required,
- For foreigners with the status of a non-resident, besides the citizens of Montenegro and BiH, a valid passport and registration of residence is required,
- Foreigners with a resident status need a valid identity card or passport and registration of residence,
- For non-residents, citizens of Montenegro and BiH, a valid identity card or passport is required,
It is necessary for minors who are 16 years of age or older valid identification document, a birth certificate or a certificate from a court or other body in order to determine the identity of the legal representative and a contract with the employer to establish a labor relationship. If all the previous conditions are fulfilled, the Contract on opening an account can only be signed by a legal representative of a minor.
In which currencies can I open a current account?
The current account is multi-currency and you can use the following currencies beside dinars: EUR and USD.
Is it possible to open more than one current account?
Each user can open only one multi-currency current account.
How can I modify personal data?
The data from ID documents can be modified in any Yettel shop by presenting valid documents for review. All other data can be changed online (Internet / Mobile) using Self-care, My Profile options, without visiting the bank. In the same way, the authorized person can change his/her data.
How can I get statment from my current account?
The statement will be delivered once a month via email, to your registered email address. Also, you can download copies for the previous 12 months on the Internet or mobile application of the bank, on the path: My Accounts, Account details, List of statements.
Can I authorize another person to open a current account on my behalf?
The current account can be opened by another person on your behalf with the authority on the form prescribed by the Bank. It is necessary to sign the authorization and also to be certified by the competent authority for authentication. Authorization for opening a current account should not be older than 3 months. You can download the form on the link.
What documentation is required when the authorized person signing authority on the current account?
If an authorized person is a adult resident, a valid identity card is sufficient when signing the authorization. The authorized persons aged 14 to 18 should submit the following documentation:
- valid identity card,
- the written approval of the parent or guardian in their presence (or approval certified in court, where the presence of a parent or guardian is not necessary when signing the authorization),
- a valid document confirming the identity of the parent or guardian,
- birth certificate or certificate of custody.
Can I authorize another person (or more) to dispose of my current account and how to do that?
The account holder may authorize another person or more, because the number of authorized persons not limited. An authorized person may be a resident of the age of 14, or a non-resident older than 18 years. The authorized person has at his disposal the same options as the owner of the current account, except to apply for closing the current account, adding a new authorized person and changing the personal information of the current account holder. The request for authorization of another person shall be submitted by the holder of the current account to the bank’s Internet application, on the My Bank, Authorized Person, Add a New Authorized Person. Upon submission of the request, the authorized person should visit the nearest Yettel shop to sign the authorization.
How can I cancel authorization?
The cancellation of the authorization can be done on the Internet application, on the path My bank, Authorized persons, by choosing the option to cancel the authorization of the authorized authorized person. The authorization is canceled at the same time, and the authorized person will be informed about it.
Can a resident authorize a non-resident in his current account?
Authorization is only possible between users of the same residence.
Do I have to come to the Bank in order to close my current account?
You can apply for closing an account on the bank’s internet application on the My Bank, My Profile, Close account or by going to the nearest Yettel shop. Only the owner of the current account can file a request to close the account.
What transactions can I make at ATMs of Yettel Bank and in which currencies?
At Yettel Bank ATMs you can make payments in dinars and euros to your current account, payments in dinars and euros from your current account and payments in dinars from your credit card. After payment of cash at the ATM, the funds will be immediately available for use. If you want to withdraw money from a current account in other foreign currencies, visit the branch office in Omladinskih Brigada 88, Belgrade.
The ATM did not accept payment of the full amount, some of the banknotes were returned to me. Why?
ATMs of Yettel Bank can recognize all valid paper denominations of banknotes in dinars and euros except banknotes of RSD 10 and RSD 20. Also, if the banknote is damaged, it may happen that the ATM machine return it or hold back.
Which cards are accepted by the ATMs of Yettel Bank?
You can use cards with labels Mastercard, Maestro, Cirrus, Visa, Visa Electron and China UnionPay issued by domestic and foreign banks, as well as the national DinaCard payment card.
Which banknotes can I pay at the ATM? Is there a limit in the number of banknotes that an ATM can receive or pay?
You can pay the banknotes of all denominations, except the denomination of 10 RSD and 20 RSD and coins. The maximum number of banknotes that an ATM can receive when making payments is 199, while 99 is the limit for one payout. To raise / pay a larger amount, we recommend to repeat the payment / withdrawal process at the ATM.
What are the smallest denominations that an ATM can pay off?
The smallest denomination that can be raised at the ATM is 500 RSD or 1.000 RSD, depending on the ATM, and 10 EUR.
Can I use PayPass at ATM?
At our ATMs it is possible to use Paypass only for payout with Mastercard, if the card is issued before 09.10.2019. Yettel Bank ATMs do not support this option for cards issued after this date because technology in the card chip has been changed.
What is the highest amount I can withdraw at Yettel Bank ATM?
The maximum amount that you can withdraw with the debit card of Mobi Banka is RSD 600,000 per day, or 1,000,000 RSD per month.
How can I activate my card?
You can activate your card via Internet or mobile application, in the option Cards, Settings, Card activation. In the process of activating the card, you will be able to create your PIN.
How can I set the card limits?
You can set card limits in your application in option Cards / Limits for the card payments at POS, at the ATM and the Internet. The maximum amount you can determine payment to the POS is 600 000 RSD daily through 75 transactions, while the largest monthly amount is 1 000 000 RSD in 500 transactions. Limits for payments on ATMs and payment on the Internet are equal and they are up to 600 000 RSD in 50 transactions daily, or 1 000 000 RSD monthly in 100 transactions.
You can set card limits by calling Customer Service at 063 9005 from the number registered for contact with the bank.
How can I safely use my card when I pay on the internet?
Thanks to technologies such as 3D Secure, which requires additional confirmation of the identity of the cardholder, you can safely use payment cards to pay on the internet. We suggest that you deactivate the Internet payment option via the application, or, if necessary, activate it before payment. Your card information (CVV2) will only be needed for internet payments, and therefore we advise you not to disclose this information for other purposes.
What should I do if I cannot find my card?
If you can not find your card, you can temporarily block it on the Internet or your mobile application, in the option Cards, Settings, Block a card. A temporary blocked card can be reactivated. In case of theft or loss of the card, we recommend a permanent card block, which you can initiate on the same path. A permanent blocking initiates the creation of a new card that will be sent to the selected address.If you are unable to access the application, you can block your card by calling the Customer Service at 063 9005.
In case of theft or loss, you can block the card or request replacement by calling the Customer Service at 063 9005 from the number registered for contact with the bank.
What is a 3D secure? Does my card support this option?
Mastercard supports this technology. 3D Secure technology provides additional security when paying with a card on the Internet. If you use your card on a site that supports this technology, you will be asked to enter a code sent with SMS to your phone number registered in the bank when making a payment. After entering the code, payment will be made.
What should I do if I forget my card PIN code?
You can change the PIN card to the Internet or mobile application in option, Cards, Settings, Change PIN. After changing your PIN, you need to make the first transaction at any ATM to make your new PIN valid and a card ready for all payments.
PIN can be changed at Yettel Bank ATM.
What is a PayPass? Does my card support this mode of payment?
PayPass is a Mastercard technology that enables contactless payments. The Debit Mastercard editions of Yettel Bank support this form of payment. You are able to use your card at all locations that have installed terminals for contactless payments. Transactions without entering PIN are allowed only for amounts that do not exceed RSD 1,500, for the larger amounts it is necessary to enter PIN. Contactless card can be used abroad, and the amount in which it is possible to carry out a transaction without entering PIN is different depending on the country, but most often it does not exceed EUR 20. Dina Card does not support non-contact payment.
What is CVC2/CVV2?
The CVC2 / CVV2 security code is a three-digit number written on the back of your card that is required for internet payments.
What should I do if I do not recognize the transaction shown in the List of transactions or in the statement?
In that case, before contacting the bank, please ensure the following:
- the name of the point of sale on the slip of the transaction;
- if you are not sure that the transaction was executed on the date displayed, try to identify the amount or the name of the point of sale, because card transactions are not executed on the same day;
- If a transaction appears twice in your balance, and you know that the first transaction attempt was unsuccessful, check whether both transactions are approved or is just one payment made.
At any moment you can contact the Call Center at 063/9005. If you believe that the transaction is a result of misuse of your payment card, you need to block the card immediately.
Can I use my card abroad even if I do not have EUR on my account?
DinaCard card can be paid only in the country, while Mastercard can also be used abroad. If you do not have a Euro for abroad payment, the money from your account will automatically be converted from other available currencies. You can also use your card in Serbia even though you have only foreign currency in your account. The recommendation of the bank is to provide euros in the payment account abroad and on foreign sites, while for payments in the country it is most advantageous to have dinars.
The PIN on my card is blocked. What should I do?
In case your PIN is blocked at the point of sale, you can unblock it at the ATMs of Yettel Bank, selecting the option to unblock and enter your PIN. Mastercard: If you can not remember your PIN, you can change it in the bank application, on the Cards option, Settings, Change PIN and after 24h your card will be ready to use again with the new PIN. For DinaCard, the change is possible by calling the Customer Service at 063 9005 from the number registered for contact with the bank.
What should I do if my card did not arrive at the selected address?
If the card does not arrive within 15 days from opening the account to your contact address, call our Customer Service at 063 9005.
My card is stuck in an ATM. What should I do?
In case your card is held in the ATM of Yettel Bank or another bank, call our Customer Service at 063 9005. The advice is to temporarily block the retained card to the Internet or mobile application on the Cards, Settings, Block a Card.
Can a purchase an executed by debit card be splited into installments?
It is possible to divide into installments payment executed by Mastercard exclusively if you have a credit card. On the My Accounts option, List of transactions, select the transaction you want to share on rates, then the Pay from the Credit card option. You can split into a installments transaction that meets the following requirements:
- payment made in the current month,
- at your credit card limit are available funds in the amount of the transaction that you want to split into installments,
- the minimum amount of transaction that can be divided into installments is RSD 2,000,
- fee for split to installments is 6% of the total amount of the transaction or 500 RSD minimum. The fee will be evenly distributed and charged with each installment (for example if you divide 10.000 to 10 installments, the fee will be 600 RSD and it will be charged in the next 10 months in the amount of 60 RSD).
The highest number of instasllments you can choose is 12.
I do not see the DinaCard card in the application. What do I need to set?
The DinaCard card is not visible in the bank application, and additional settings are not required for its display. All payments made with any card are available for viewing in My Accounts, Details, List of transactions.
My Mastercard is expiring how to order a new one?
Your Mastercard is issued with a printed validity period and is active until the last day of the month specified on it. The bank will automatically start the process of issuing a new card and it will be sent in due time to you by mail, in accordance with the expiration date of the card you are using. From 17.8. with the new Mastercard in 2018 you will also get a DinaCard card.
In which cases is a rejected card transaction charged?
Each declined transaction for debit card payment abroad, including internet payments considers a fee in amount of 35 RSD.
We emphasize that the amount of this fee is in line with the actual costs that the Bank has on this basis.
Please see possible reasons for declined transactions and our advises how to avoid additional costs:
- Internet payment channel is switched OFF – we advise you to make sure that your internet payment channel is switched ON in the application before confirming the payment (path: Cards/Limits)
- Insufficient funds on the account
- Maximum number of card transactions reached – check settings in the application, options: Cards/Limits
- Card blocked or inactive – check the status of the card via the application, in the option Cards
- We especially want to draw your attention to the recurring fee for subscription services – unsubscribe from the subscription services directly at the merchant
- Entering the wrong CVC/CVV code – before confirming the payment, check whether all the data from the card have been entered correctly.
Is it necessary to have a current account in Yettel Bank to apply for a credit card? How can I apply ?
Yettel Bank customers who have an active current account and a resident status can apply for a credit card through the Internet application choosing option Product Catalog, Loan products, Credit Card, or in any Yettel shop or calling the Customer Service at 063 9005.
Which conditions have to be met in order to apply for a credit card and which documents do I need?
If you have an account opened with Yettel Bank and a permanent residence permit in the territory of the Republic of Serbia, a resident status, and if you are an employee or you are a pensioner, you can apply for a credit card through the Internet application. For more information about the documentation that you need to provide for the application, visit this link.
How can I check the status of my application for a credit card?
Status of the application for the credit card can be checked via online or mobile application by selecting option Self care/ Application status.
Are there any expenses for credit card application?
There are no expenses for credit card application, i.e. there is no fee for the authorization, and query at the Credit Bureau.
Can I use credit card for refinancing and how?
You can also use a credit card to refinance a loan, a credit card, a overdraft, or any other credit product at Yettel Bank or other banks. You need to submit a request through the Internet application on the path Product Catalog, Loan products, Credit Card with Refinancing. In addition to the approval documentation, it is also necessary to provide a Debit Relief Certificate from another bank for the obligations that you want to refinance. When activating credit card, Yettel Bank will directly transfer the funds for refinancing to another bank and charge the limit of the credit card for the amount that is refinanced and compensations, if refinancing is on installments.
Is this the Revolving credit card?
Yes, this is the Revolving credit card that functions on revolving payment model. Additionally, each credit card transaction can be divided into installments, if it’s executed in the current month. This service is available via application, in the option Credit card transaction details.
What does the Revolving payment model imply?
Revolving repayment model provides deferred payment of goods and services and the amount of the monthly obligation can vary. The bank notifies the client by statement on the amount of monthly due and minimal percentage of the debt that should be paid. Rest of the debt will be transferred into next accounting period and will be paid, along with new spend amount, again in contracted percentage at the moment of arrival. The debt can be paid at the moment of arrival and in higher percentage then the defined minimum, and at any time it is possible to pay off the entire debt. Calculation of the interest will differ depending on the date of payment of a part, or entire debt.
What is grace period, how long does it last and how can I use it's benefits?
Grace period implies that the beneficiary will be notified on the last day of the month but can make the payment by 15th day of the next month. During this period interest is not calculated if the entire spent amount is returned.
How is repayment done and what does minimal repayment of the debt imply?
It is necessary for beneficiary to provide the means on his current account in Yettel Bank no later that 15th day of the month to pay for his monthly dues and the bank will automatically collect a part of the debt every month. Minimal amount of repayment is 5% of the remaining principal balance or minimal 1.000 RSD. In case when 5% of the remaining principal balance is less than 1000 RSD, a 1000 RSD monthly payment will be charged.
Payment for credit card obligations can be made in two ways:
- By making a payment to your current account in Yettel Bank
Your account in Yettel Bank is active immediately after the contract signing.
You can see the number of your account in the contract, on the debit card issued with the account or in Yettel Bank’s mobile or internet application.
Payment for credit card obligations can be made to your current account in Yettel Bank, in the way it best suit you:
- Directly at Yettel Bank’s ATMs, using debit card
- Via internet or mobile application, or with standing order if you have a current account in another bank
- At Yettel Bank branch, Omladinskih brigada 88, 11070 Belgrade
- In other domestic banks, post office and payment institutions
- By making a direct payment to Yettel Bank account 908-11501-07 with the reference number of your loan product.
How can I transfer funds from a current account to a credit card?
You can transfer funds using option internal transfer on the home page, after logging in, by choosing the option Internal transfer on the Quick-to-Pay widget.
In what way the interest is calculated if 15th in the month do not have sufficient funds for payment of the debts?
In this case, penalty interest will be calculated for delay in payment, which includes the period from the 1st in the month to the time of repayment.
How and when will I get the statement for my credit card?
Credit card statement is available in the bank application at the beginning of the month and you can find it at My accounts/Credits/Credit card/Details/List of statements.
How can I activate my credit card and can a PIN for credit card be the same as for debit card?
The card can be activated through the online or mobile application on the path Cards/ Settings / Card activation. Then you can define the PIN for the card of your choice, after which the card is immediately ready for use. Yes, PIN for credit card can be the same as for debit card.
Can I divide credit card transactions into installments?
It is possible to divide credit card transactions into installments. This service is available via application, in the option Credit card transaction details. You can split into a installments transaction that meets the following requirements:
- payment made in the current month,
- at your credit card limit are available funds in the amount of the transaction that you want to split into installments,
- the minimum amount of transaction that can be divided into installments is RSD 2,000,
- fee for split to installments is 6% of the total amount of the transaction or 500 RSD minimum. The fee will be evenly distributed and charged with each installment (for example if you divide 10.000 to 10 installments, the fee will be 600 RSD and it will be charged in the next 10 months in the amount of 60 RSD).
The highest number of installments you can choose is 12.
Which payments can be divided in installments?
All card payments made at payment locations or on the Internet can be divided into installments. Transactions made through the Internet or mobile applications, such as payment of funds from the account credit limit or internal transfer, are not covered by this service.
What credit card transactions can I make without a fee, and for which will I be charged?
Progresiv users can make card payments without commission at all points of sale marked with Mastercard in the country and abroad. For Starter and Basic users commission of 1.5% of the transaction amount is calculated for payments abroad (online and at POS), while the payments in the country are without the commission. Also, Bills on click and Top-up are free of charge. Other payments via mobile or internet applications, as well as cash withdrawals at ATMs and bank counters at home and abroad, have a certain commission. The commission fee can be found in the bank’s tariffs here.
How can I get confirmation of closed credit card and in what time frame?
The Certificate of settled obligations will be sent to you at the registered email address in 5 working days from closing a credit card. Making this certificate is free of charge.
How can I get confirmation of the outstanding debt on the credit card and in what time frame?
You can get a confirmation of the balance of the debt by calling our Customer Service at the number 063 9005 or by sending request for it to email The fee for making the certificate is RSD 750, and you need to provide this amount in the current account when submitting a request. The confirmation will be delivered to you on the next working day.
In which cases is a rejected card transaction charged?
Each declined transaction for credit card payment abroad, including internet payments considers a fee in amount of 35 RSD. Please note that the credit card fee applies if the credit limit is activated after 5.10.2021.
We emphasize that the amount of this fee is in line with the actual costs that the Bank has on this basis.
Please see possible reasons for declined transactions and our advises how to avoid additional costs:
- Internet payment channel is switched OFF – we advise you to make sure that your internet payment channel is switched ON in the application before confirming the payment (path: Cards/Limits)
- Insufficient funds on the account
- Maximum number of card transactions reached – check settings in the application, options: Cards/Limits
- Card blocked or inactive – check the status of the card via the application, in the option Cards
- We especially want to draw your attention to the recurring fee for subscription services – unsubscribe from the subscription services directly at the merchant
How can I apply for a cash loan?
You can apply for a cash loan if you have a resident status and open a current account in Yettel Bank. You can apply for a cash loan through an internet application on the path Product Catalog / Loan products/ Cash Loan or Cash Refinancing Loans. You can also apply in any Yettel shop or call Customer Service at 063 9005.
What terms I have to fulfil and which documentation is required for filing a cash loan request?
If you have an account opened with Yettel Bank and a permanent residence permit in the territory of the Republic of Serbia, a resident status, and if you are an employee or you are a pensioner, you can apply for a loan through the internet application. For more information about the documentation that you need to provide for the application, visit this link.
How can I check the status of my cash loan request?
You can check the status of filed cash loan request in your Internet or mobile application, option Self care/Applications status.
Are there any costs or a cash loan application?
When applying for a cash loan, there are no costs, i.e. there is no fee for the authorization, and query at the Credit Bureau.
Can I use cash loans for refinancing and how?
You can also use a cash loan to refinance a loan, a credit card, a overdraft, or any other credit product at Yettel Bank or other banks. You need to submit a request through the Internet application on the path Product Catalog, Loan products, Cash Loan with Refinancing. In addition to the approval documentation, it is also necessary to provide a Debit Relief Certificate from another bank for the obligations that you want to refinance. When activating cash loans, Yettel Bank will directly transfer the funds for refinancing to another bank, and the rest of the funds will be transferred to your current account.
What is the cash loan repayment mode and on which date of the month the instalment falls due for payment?
You pay cash loan in equal monthly installments. It is enough to provide funds in the amount of your installment to the account in Yettel Bank until the last calendar day of the month, whether it’s a working or non-working day, when the payment will be automatically made.
Payment for cash loan obligations can be made in two ways:
- By making a payment to your current account in Yettel Bank
Your account in Yettel Bank is active immediately after the contract signing.
You can see the number of your account in the contract, on the debit card issued with the account or in Yettel Bank’s mobile or internet application.
Payment for cash loan obligations can be made to your current account in Yettel Bank, in the way it best suit you:
- Directly at Yettel Bank’s ATMs, using debit card
- Via internet or mobile application, or with standing order if you have a current account in another bank
- At Yettel Bank branch, Omladinskih brigada 88, 11070 Belgrade
- In other domestic banks, post office and payment institutions
- By making a direct payment to Yettel Bank account 908-11501-07 with the reference number of your loan product.
Which method of interest rate calculation is used and is it fixed or variable?
The interest rate is calculated by applying the conformal method. The interest is fixed, annual.
How can I track the repayment of my cash loan?
You can see the remaining debt and the repayment amount of your cash loan on the home page of the Internet and mobile applications, as well as on the My Accounts, Loans, Cash Loan, Details page. You can also download a statement that is available on the Internet and the mobile application of the bank on the My Accounts, Loans, Cash Loans, Details, List of statements. The statement shows the remaining amount of debt, as well as other loan details, on the day of the last settlement.
How can I repay several installments in advance or repay the entire loan before the agreed deadline? Are there any costs in case of complete early repayment of the loan?
You can repay your cash loan even before agreed term of repayment, fully or in part, by making an internal transfer from your current account to the loan line by selecting the option My accounts/Internal transfer. In case of partial repayment, you need to pay a minimum of three instalments. Early cash loan repayment doesn’t include any charges.
How can I get confirmation of closed cash loan and in what time frame?
The Certificate of settled obligations will be sent to you at the registered email address in 5 working days from closing a loan. Making this certificate is free of charge.
How can I get confirmation of the outstanding debt on the cash loan and in what time frame?
You can get a confirmation of the balance of the debt by calling our Customer Service at the number 063 9005 or by sending request for it to email The fee for making the certificate is RSD 400, and you need to provide this amount in the current account when submitting a request. The confirmation will be delivered to you on the next working day.
Can I transfer funds from a current account to a credit for my device?
You can transfer funds from the current account to the device loan in your app on the My Accounts, Loans, Device loan, by selecting the Repay option in the details of the loan. Transfer of funds should be in the amount equal to or greater than two loan installments and only in that case it is considered as partial repayment. If you transfer funds in the amount less than two loan installments, it will be returned to your current account.
What is the interest rate per annum for a loan for the device?
The loan is interest-free for the device, ie. Interest is 0.00% per annum.
How can I pay the loan installment? What happens if I do not have enough funds in the current account during the installment due date for payment?
It is necessary to provide funds in the amount of loan installments to your current account until the 17th, 20th or 21st of the month, in line with the agreed repayment schedule. The Bank calculates interest on arrears for the delay in repayment that will be visible next month.
If you are making the payment before due date, the payment needs to be made to your current account in Yettel Bank.
Your account in Yettel Bank is active immediately after the contract signing.
You can see the number of your account in the contract, on the debit card issued with the account or in Yettel Bank’s mobile or internet application.
Monthly device loan payment can be made to your current account in Yettel Bank, in the way it best suit you:
- Directly at Yettel Bank’s ATMs, using debit card
- Via internet or mobile application, or with standing order if you have a current account in another bank
- At Yettel Bank branch, Omladinskih brigada 88, 11070 Belgrade
- In other domestic banks, post office and payment institutions
If you are making the payment after the due date, you can make a payment directly to Yettel Bank account 908-11501-07 with the reference number of your loan product.
How can I have a look at the details and keep track of loan repayment for the device?
You can see device loan details, such as installments, the remaining amount of debt, the number of paid installments, and the due date at any time on the Internet or mobile application, on the My Accounts, Loans, Device loan.
Can I get a loan for a device as a non-resident?
Device loan is only available to residents.
Can I have more credits for the device?
You can have more credits for the device, i.e. as much as you have your contract with Yettel for different phone numbers.
Can I pay monthly installments in advance and in what way?
It is possible to pay more installments in advance, via the Internet or mobile application, on the My Accounts, Loans, Device loan, by selecting the Repay option in the details of the loan. In case of premature repayment of the loan, it is necessary to transfer an amount of at least two installments to the loan account for the device, whereby the monthly installment will be reduced, but not the number of repayment months. If you pay the entire amount of the debt, the loan bill for the device is closed.
Can I cancel my device credit and is it necessary to return the device?
You can withdraw from the loan for the device within 14 days from the date of realization of the loan. Upon cancellation, it is necessary to provide funds in the amount of the loan in the next 30 days, while retaining the device..
How can I get a confirmation of the paid loan for the device and within what time?
A paid credit confirmation for your device will be sent to you within 5 workdays days from the time you liquidate your device loan to the registered email address. Creating this certificate is free of charge.
How can I get confirmation of the outstanding debt on the loan for the product and in what time frame?
You can get a confirmation of the balance of the debt by calling our Customer Service at the number 063 9005 or by sending request for it to email The fee for making the certificate is RSD 400, and you need to provide this amount in the current account when submitting a request. The confirmation will be delivered to you on the next working day.
How can I submit a request for an overdraft?
Request for current account overdraft can be submitted through the Internet application, in any of the Yettel shops or call Customer Service at 063 9005.
What are the requirements and which documents I need for approval of overdraft?
If you have an account opened, you receive a salary / pension or part of the earnings in Yettel Bank, you have a permanent residence registration on the territory of the Republic of Serbia, or you have a resident status, and if you are employed or you are a pensioner with a minimum monthly income of 20,000 RSD, you can apply for the allowed overdraft on a current account via an internet application. The maximum amount of the allowed overdraft that can be granted is in the amount of the salary / pension transferred to the account in Yettel Bank. For more information on the necessary documentation, please visit this link.
Is it necessary to receive salary to the account in Yettel Bank and and in what amount in order to have the overdraft approved?
Yes, it is necessary to transfer the earnings or part of the earnings to Yettel Bank in the minimum amount of RSD 5.000 to apply for overdraft.
How can I extend my overdraft and do I have to repay debt under the previous overdraft in order to qualify for a new one?
You can submit a request for new overdraft 30 days before expiration of the current overdraft. Repayment of used funds from the previous overdraft is not required. ou can submit a request to the Internet application in the Product Catalog. When signing a contract, it is necessary to provide a Employment Certificate, if you are employed, if you are a pensioner, you need to submit the three last pension cheques or a Certificate on retirement issued by PIO Fund.
How do I repay used funds?
Any payment on the current account are reduced or settled, obligations under the overdraft. Payment for overdraft obligations can be made to your current account in Yettel Bank, in the way it best suit you:
- Directly at Yettel Bank’s ATMs, using debit card
- Via internet or mobile application, or with standing order if you have a current account in another bank
- At Yettel Bank branch, Omladinskih brigada 88, 11070 Belgrade
- In other domestic banks, post office and payment institutions
How can I terminate the overdraft and are there any expenses for that?
A request for termination of the overdraft can be submitted using the Internet application, through option Selfcare,Close account, selecting the option Overdraft.You can request terminarion if you settle obligations under the overdraft.There are no expenses involved in termination of the overdraft.
How can I get a confirmation of the paid overdraft and within what time?
A paid overdraft confirmation will be sent to you within 5 workdays days from the time you liquidate your device loan to the registered email address. Creating this certificate is free of charge.
How can I get confirmation of the outstanding debt on the overdraft and in what time frame?
You can get a confirmation of the balance of the debt by calling our Customer Service at the number 063 9005 or by sending request for it to email The fee for making the certificate is RSD 400, and you need to provide this amount in the current account when submitting a request. The confirmation will be delivered to you on the next working day.
How can I open sight deposit and what are the conditions for opening?
If you have an active current account, you can open sight saving via Internet or mobile application, in the Product Catalog, Sight Deposit. The opening of the savings account ends online, without arriving in the bank and without submitting any documentation. After opening sight savings, you need to transfer funds by selecting the Internal transfer option in the My Accounts option.
Can a person authorized by current account have insight into my savings account?
A person authorized by your current account does not have access to your savings account.
How can I close my sight deposit?
You can close the savings account on the Internet or mobile application, in the Selfcare , My profile, Close account, selecting the option to close the sight savings.
How can I get an statement from a savings account?
Savings account statement is available as part of a common monthly statement for all accounts, and you can download it to the internet and mobile application, on the My Accounts, Current Account, Account Details, List of statements.
Are the funds from the sight savings account always available to me?
Funds from sight deposits are always available to you. You can transfer funds to your current account at any time by selecting the Internal Transfer option on the home page of your Internet or mobile app. Interest is posted on the last day of the month, and is calculated on a daily basis for the amount of funds on the savings account.
Can I have more than one savings account deposits?
You can have multiple accounts savings deposits.
Can a non-resident open a savings account?
Savings account can be opened by non-residents.
How can I open term deposit?
You can open term savings on the Internet or mobile application, on the Product Catalog, Term Deposit. The opening of the savings account ends online, without arriving in the bank and without submitting any documentation. After the acceptance of the indicative offer, the term deposit account is opened, and the money from the current account is automatically transferred to the savings account in the amount entered on the calculator.
What are the preconditions for opening term deposit?
To open term deposit, you need to have an active current account and that the available balance on the current account at the time of opening the savings is equal to or greater than the amount deposited, and a minimum amount is 60,000 dinars.
How many saving accounts can I open and what is the maximum amount I can pay in ?
The number of time savings accounts is unlimited and the maximum total amount on the savings accounts is 20,000,000 dinars, while the maximum amount of 3,000,000 dinars is deposited in one term time deposit account.
How is the interest computed and is it taxed?
The interest is computed by applying the conformal method. The interest is fixed, annual. The contracted interest is computed after the time period of 12 months expires, when the total amount (interest + principal) is transferred to the current account. No tax is paid on the interest earned on time dinar savings.
How can I file a request for cancellation of term deposit?
You can file a request for full early cancellation of term deposit in your bank application on the Selfcare, My profile, Close account by selecting option for closing term deposit. After closing term deposit, money is automatically transferred to the current account.
How can I personalize my home page?
You can easily change the look of the home screen by adding or removing widgets. Just at the bottom of the home screen, select Add a new widget At any time, you can reset the widgets by clicking Restore to Default.
Can I use Internet banking on my mobile phone?
You can use internet banking on a mobile phone. Just enter the following link into the browser To sign in use your existing user data.
Can I use bank application on multiple devices?
You can use Yettel Bank application on as many devices as you like. You just need to install the app on your device and select an option. I already have an account to personalize it.
How can I download Yettel Bank mobile application?
Mobile application is supported on Android and IOS operating systems and you can download it from Google Play Store, Huawei AppGallery and Apple Store.
In which browsers can I use Internet aplication?
You can access Internet banking from the following browsers: Chrome, Opera, Opera Mini, Firefox, Internet Explorer (from version 8), Internet Explorer Mobile, Safari, Android Webkit 530-533, Apple Webkit 530-533, Nokia browser. You can use Internet banking on desktop, tablets and mobile devices.
How can users of the Windows operating system use the application?
Windows phone users can use Internet banking at The Internet application is fully customized to these devices.
What represent a bell icon?
The bell icon is used to access Inbox and simpler communication with Yettel Bank. In Inbox you will receive all important information about products, payment methods, and devices you use, the status of your transactions as well as new banking offers. You will also be able to send us suggestions and questions about products and applications or make an objection by creating a new message or responding to the received message from the bank. You can view all received and sent messages in Inbox in the “Requirements” section. You can also archive messages by clicking on the “Archive” button. All archived messages will be displayed in the “Archive” section. You can always return archived messages to Inbox / Request.
What is the image for identification?
The image for identification is an additional measure of protection against possible abuse on the Internet. Each user chooses one of the offered images to identify when opening an account. During the process of applying for an internet application, that is, personalizing a mobile application, when you enter your username, you will also see the image for the identification you selected, to make sure that you are on the side of our internet application.
What should I do in case of theft or loss of a phone on which I installed mobile banking application?
If you lose your device, you can temporarily block access to mobile banking, on My Bank, Connected devices, by selecting the Block device next to the name of the lost device. If you find a phone that you have temporarily blocked, you can reuse it to access mobile banking by activating the same by selecting the Unblock device. If your device is stolen, you can delete it from the list, on the same path My Bank, Connected Devices. If you’ve deleted your device from the list, you need to re-personalize the application by selecting the option I already have an account to use mobile banking.
How can I contact Contact center?
You can contact us by calling +381 63 9005 or start chatting on the bank’s website or internet application by selecting Get help. The working hours of the Contact center are on weekdays from 08h to 22h and on Saturdays and Sundays from 10h to 18h. Also, if you have any suggestions, concerns or information that you want to share with us, send us a message to Inbox via internet or mobile application.